Without Footnotes
Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos and St Vlassios has commented continually on current events in the light of the Church’s theology and experience since his first year as a bishop and for the following twenty years (1995-2015) until the present in a special column in the monthly publication of his Diocese, Ekklisiastiki Parembasis – Ecclesiastical Intervention.
The Metropolitan’s comments on contemporary issues are based on Orthodox ecclesiastical pastoral theology, and they bring us news and information about human beings, the environment, culture, religion, history, science, and local tradition. Without conjectures and prejudices, “without footnotes”, but with Orthodox theological sensitivity, ecclesiastical ethos and a sense of responsibility, he presents the great mission of Orthodox theology to the world today with impressive restraint and discretion.
This is a book that responds to crucial current events which, although they provoke the interest and attention of many people, often create confusion in society.