Interventions in the contemporary society, volume 1
The two volumes entitled Interventions in Contemporary Society contain various texts written from time to time for newspapers and periodicals in response to pastoral needs, as well as spoken and written interviews. The Church provides an answer to people’s problems. It contributes its theological word in our own day, and strives to wake up the people of God and point them in the right direction.
The first section of the book is entitled ‘Timely Comments’. The second section, ‘Informative Interviews’, is composed of interviews supporting the Church’s position on crucial current issues.
In the first section, ‘Magic and Magicians’ is particularly interesting, especially today, when we see a resurgence of magic and many people turning to its practitioners. The further man goes from God, the more insecure he feels, and the more susceptible he becomes to the devil’s attacks. The main points of the teaching of St Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain on the subject of magic, which was a matter of concern in his era too, are set out, along with practical guidance advising Christians to be on their guard against spells cast on them by others.
The interviews in the second section inform us of the Church’s views and teaching on abortions, euthanasia, cremation and drugs. Faith and the life of the Church ease the problems of young people in particular. Within the integrated and consistent life of the Church they are able to find their real family, to solve their existential problems and fulfil all their social needs.