Interventions in contemporary society - volume 2
The two volumes entitled Interventions in Contemporary Society contain various texts written from time to time for newspapers and periodicals in response to pastoral needs. They also include spoken and written interviews on various issues. The Church provides an answer to people’s problems. It contributes its theological word in our own day, and strives to wake up the people of God and point them in the right direction.
The second volume contains two sections, ‘Theological Points to Emphasise’ and ‘Ecclesiastical Education’. The texts in the first section highlight fundamental theological truths and show the position taken by Orthodox theology on current issues.
The second section contains texts setting out the basic principles and key points with regard to catechesis in the Orthodox Church. The character of Catechists is highly significant: their way of thinking must accord with the Orthodox Church and they must have an unselfish and loving spirit. The work of catechetical instruction should be undertaken with the fear of God and a sense of responsibility, because it is an ecclesiastical task, not an individual one. It should be done with the blessing of the local Bishop, without improvisations, and within the Orthodox ecclesiastical context.
Orthodox catechesis is not just a matter of presenting theological information, but above all of offering life to young people. The aim of catechesis should be the same as the aim of the Church: to lead people to deification.